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Review for a tree

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1 Review = 1 Tree

Here at MEETYOO, we value your feedback which is why, for your review on Capterra, we will plant a tree in your name.

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Sustainable virtual events - Accounting and compensation
  • Write a review: Share your feedback on Capterra.
  • Let us know: Inform your MEETYOO contact that you have written a review.
  • We will give back: For each published review we will plant a tree with our partner Tree Nation in your name. Maximum of 3 trees per contract and customer. We will only count  reviews that are accepted by the review platforms.
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Our Environment Social Governance

We deliver world-class virtual events with our clients but also want to use our technology to positively impact society. #techforgood

Carbon neutrality

We are accounting for and compensating all CO2 emissions with our Partner Plan A.

Sustainable virtual events - Sustainable AWS cloud servers
Co2 emission reduction

We are working with our suppliers to reduce carbon emissions.

Build a global sense of community - Virtual campus - MEETYOO
Social efforts

We are supporting communities in need with donations and giving them a voice on our platform.

Meetyoo wave navy

Want to learn more?

Learn how MEETYOO is providing carbon neutral events to a global audience.

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